The new RSC building will be a two-storey structure of approximately 12,260 m2 containing offices and support areas, indoor parking, a 7-bay vehicle maintenance area and property and evidence warehouse. The building will employ a structural steel frame supporting concrete on metal deck for all upper levels and a metal deck on OWSJ roof structure. Cladding will comprise both masonry veneer and a metal panel system supported on insulated backup wall system. The new CFIE building will be a two-storey structure of approximately 4,654 m2 containing offices and support areas. A concrete structure will support the cast in place concrete second floor. A structural steel frame will support the roof and penthouse. Cladding and wall systems will be similar to the RSC building. Both buildings will utilize a geothermal system for primary heating and cooling distributed by means of a VAV distribution system. High efficiency gas fired boilers will provide backup to the geothermal system. Separate individual emergency generators will provide full operational capacity for both buildings during power outages.
The work is being performed in phases to minimize disruptions to ongoing operations of the FIF and EDB and will include altering of the FIF building to connect to the new CFIE building. The project is located on the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Bloor Street and Maple Grove Road. The site is currently, and will remain, operational and includes the Forensic Investigation Facility (FIF) and the East Division Building (EDB), complete with parking spaces and driveways, and a creek running in a general north-south direction. The total land area is approximately 150,000 m2. The project will expand the current Clarington Police Complex with the addition of two (2) new structures named the Centre for Investigative Excellence (CFIE) and Regional Support Centre (RSC) complete with driveways, employee and visitor parking spaces, a storm water retention pond, K9 training grounds, green and landscaped spaces and site services and utilities.