This project involved the historical restoration of the 157 year old Gothic cathedral. St. Michael’s is situated in the heart of Toronto and is the principal church of Canada’s largest English-speaking Catholic archdiocese. The restoration work included the crypt basement, which involved the transformation of the existing sub grade level crawl space into a new usable full height basement. The West Façade Masonry Restoration, which included the repainting and cleaning of the existing masonry, supply and installation of new stone pinnacles, finials, cornice, balustrades and niches including new steel and concrete support structure, and a new wood structure and cooper roofing. The Narthex Restoration and Renovations included the demolition of existing west entrance interior finishes including new slate floors and wall treatments, new holy water fonts, new steel and glass stairs pass through the Narthex from the basement level on their way to the balcony level and a new elevator from the basement level to the balcony level.