This project includes the construction of a new 256 LTC home and Seniors Wellness Centre that will provide drop-in and outreach services to the community. These two programs will share internal building systems for water, hydro, emergency power, sewage, waste disposal, lighting, heating and ventilation. The new facility is being construction on the eastern edge of the existing 7.87 hectare Linhaven site. In addition to the current LTC home, the site also accommodates two additional buildings, Hospice Niagara and the Alzheimer's Society of Niagara. The two buildings will remain on the site in their current location and the existing LTC home will be demolished upon completion of the new facility. The new facility will be an 18.2 meter high, 5 storey non-combustible structure will partial basement and mechanical penthouse. The total gross floor area of the building is approximately 220,000 square feet plus a 6800 square foot rooftop mechanical penthouse. The exterior façade will consist of stone and brick masonry, composite metal panels, metal siding and curtain wall. Site works include new storm, sanitary, water and gas infrastructure, retaining walls, loading dock area, new entrance road and 257 stall parking lot.